2024 Goals
Support transition of temporary shelter community into permanent, state-run micro shelter community for year round shelter availability.
CompleteAdvocate for a secure, permanent funding stream from the State for affordable housing, mental and behavioral health, and homeless services.
CompleteReduce crime citywide by continuing to expand the Violent Crime Reduction Strategy using a data-driven approach and hot-spot policing.
CompleteContinue to work with Salt Lake County and the State to implement a unified Sequential Intercept Model by supporting more treatment and housing options for people experiencing mental illness and other chronic conditions, allowing us to decrease reliance on the criminal justice system.
CompleteSupport Justice Court outreach and specialty courts to improve access to justice and reduce systemic barriers to people desiring to improve their lives.
CompleteExpand the availability of SLFD CHAT and collaborate with service providers and hospitals to increase care and treatment of community members with mental illness issues or substance abuse disorder.
CompleteIdentify opportunities to incorporate crime reporting into a mobile app in order to reduce barriers to reporting.
CompletePath forward a plan for a downtown entertainment district to support professional sports, arts and cultural venues, and the growing downtown population.
CompletePath forward deliberately and collaboratively on the Green Loop by developing a comprehensive community engagement plan, ensuring that this asset will be beneficial to every impacted resident and business.
CompleteFinalize Station Center property disposition for first anchor development and begin construction on development and public improvements.
In ProgressLaunch RFP for the former Public Safety Building to transform the property into a community asset with housing and commercial development.
CompleteComplete the Main Street pedestrian study and identify next steps toward improving the motorized and non-motorized experience, activating Main Street businesses, and making Main Street a marquee destination for all residents and visitors.
CompleteUpdate and expand the RDA’s commercial assistance program and market it across RDA project areas.
CompleteExplore the creation of a program that attracts and supports new and existing daycare businesses in the city.
CompleteIdentify City-owned locations proximate to Green Loop that could support family-centered development.
CompletePush forward on Ballpark Next by beginning development of design concepts, the implementation plan, and the impact investment plan.
CompleteBegin implementation efforts on the 16 priorities outlined in Thriving in Place’s two-year action plan.
CompleteComplete Phase 1 of Glendale Park, including playground, basketball court and parking area.
In ProgressFinalize North Temple Economic Action Plan and begin to implement recommendations.
CompleteAdopt the first Citywide Transportation Plan since 1996.
CompleteStart the process of consolidating similar commercial and mixed-use districts into fewer form-based districts that promote walkability, increasing access to daily needs for residents and reducing zoning barriers for businesses.
CompleteShare information with the larger community about the status of the Fleet Block rezone and the future project timeline. This will be followed by publishing a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to get development teams contracted to conduct community engagement and begin design for the redevelopment of the Fleet Block.
CompleteDraft and submit to the Planning Commission a new construction mitigation policy to better support the surrounding community during construction.
CompleteCreate and submit to the RDA Board a proposal to support the creation of more Accessory Dwelling Units.
CompleteExplore funding resources and program ideas to preserve naturally occurring affordable housing with the goal of keeping people in their homes and stabilizing neighborhoods.
CompletePartner with Community Councils to improve their ability to coordinate with one another and foster better two-way dialogue with the City.
In ProgressPropose an increase to the Arts, Culture, and Events (“ACE”) fund to meet the increasing demand and allow more opportunities for community organizations of all sizes to host events.
CompletePropose in the FY25 budget a more robust citywide volunteer program that empowers the community to take charge of their own neighborhoods and explore processes for formalizing partnerships with community service-oriented organizations.
CompleteBetter support the increasing numbers of refugees and new Americans coming to Utah by proposing ongoing funding for Know Your Neighbor program staff.
CompleteFortify Sister Cities program to deepen relationships and opportunities to learn from our global community.