
2024 Goals

Launch an Environmental Justice Resident Committee in partnership with University Neighborhood Partners to center resident input and ideas in the City’s pollution-reduction planning processes and support more federal funding reaching all areas of our community to reduce pollution, improve quality of life, and project high-quality green jobs for more people.


Engage the wider community of stakeholders in our metropolitan area to identify preferred strategies that will achieve significant emissions reductions. Collaborate with community partners to pursue additional grant funding to implement solutions identified.


Update City’s Hazard Mitigation Plan to incorporate climate resiliency concerns.


If awarded, launch grant-funded Solar For All pilot program in partnership with the Department of Community and Neighborhoods and the State Office of Energy Development to install rooftop solar on up to 25 income-eligible homes participating in the Home Repair Program.

In Progress

Establish an Energy Equity Fund that is funded by Renewable Energy Certificates generated on municipal facilities to support community-based air quality, energy equity, and microgrant projects


Support the successful application of the Utah Renewables Communities program to state regulators. Once approved, lead program strategy through ordinance adoption, communications and outreach, and renewable energy procurement.


Open the 80 MW Elektron solar project this summer, after successfully navigating significant international trade headwinds, supply chain obstacles and other challenges facing renewable energy development.


Coordinate food equity and urban agriculture work across City departments with the aim to increase efficiency of City resources, and propose policy recommendations to accelerate progress toward an equitable and resilient food system in Salt Lake City.


Develop design scenarios for native plant propagation, public urban agriculture, and/or urban wood reutilization programs at Public Lands Department properties, particularly in the city’s west side neighborhoods.

In Progress

Launch residential yard care equipment incentive program that includes lawnmowers, leaf blowers, trimmers and snow blowers.


Launch first year of electric bike incentive program with a focus on equity, affordability, and safety.


Launch program to improve indoor air quality through strategic partnerships with organizations to assess needs and distribute air purifiers, filters, monitors, and related educational materials.

In Progress

Finalize internal electrified fleet study funded in FY23.


Finalize community transportation electrification study funded in FY23. Develop recommendations for proposed policies and projects.


Begin taking steps to electrify the airport campus, beginning with identifying the Airport’s electrical demand and identifying potential outcomes.


Begin implementation of recommendations from citywide facility water use audit.


Complete the City’s updated Watershed Management Plan to address climate, fire, and new water quality risks


Improve customer assistance programs to help with water and wastewater affordability through an updated rate study and the completion of a public benefit analysis for water & utility bill assistance programs.


Begin Phase 1 and move forward with subsequent phases of the Growing Water Smart plan to integrate land use and water use planning.


Continue repair and replacement of the City’s aging water and sewer infrastructure.


Great Salt Lake: continue momentum on getting water to GSL through water conservation and other opportunities; and move forward GSL shoreline preservation through our community partnerships and strategic land conservation.


Complete first phase of the waste characterization study to begin identifying opportunities in remapping the road to Zero Waste by 2040.


Begin work on three-year EPA Recycling Education & Outreach grant, which will be foundational in evolving our educational program to take a more equity centered approach in supporting our long-term waste reduction goals
